This review is written in both Chinese and English.
At first, thanks to Cowlevel's wildrose and developer (or publisher) for sending me the key.
简介 Introduction
本作是一款柴油朋克风格的2D射击RPG游戏,讲述几个特工前往巨塔57解决“监管人”来解放巨塔的故事。 然而最终剧情大反转
This game is a 2D diesel punk shooting rpg game. The story is about some agents go to tower 57 to take out 'the supervisor' to liberate tower 57. Actually the truth is not as they thought
At the beginning of the game, player is required to choose three characters from 6 for the whole task. Every character has his particular weapon and tool. When playing the game, you will have chances to change to some other weapons from the monsters or merchants. Every weapon can be upgraded on its power, capacity, attribute or skill. Furthermore, the body of the character can also be upgraded or repaired if some parts have been teared away by monsters.
Most of the mosters in the game attack in a remote way, which means it's not likely for you to rush into the room. You should take care of them and stay back to shoot them.
Another innovative element in the game is gambling. There are several gambling ways in the game to get much money for purchasing whatever you want.
评分 Score
Story: 6/10. The story is weak since the texts are too few. Also the ending is a little common.
Gameplay: 7/10. The total gameplay is good and what deserves to be mentioned is the multiplayer mode.
Graphic: 8/10. A perfect diesel punk pixel art game. But it seems a little bit mess.
优点 Pros
+ 画风。画风算是本作的一个亮点,对于喜欢复古的或者柴油朋克的玩家来说,单是画风就绝对值得入手了。
+ 武器道具系统。本作的每一把枪都有自己专属的多个技能,且可以升级弹药和火力。另外每个武器的攻击方式也不尽相同。有的是近战、有的是远程高伤、有的是快速射击、有的是群伤,且都有自带特效,值得玩家搭配组合不同的武器。另外工具也比较有特色,黑客手套的设计让整个游戏的玩法多变了起来,本来还不应该打开的门可以直接hack进去。
+ 小游戏。小游戏的设计让爱之巢很有赌城的代入感。无论是我自己还是看主播,都玩小游戏玩的不亦乐乎。除了敲钉子以外,貌似每个小游戏都有诀窍,可以刷钱。
+ Art Style. If you like this art style, don't hesitate to buy it.
+ Weapon System. There are many weapons in this game and every has its own skills. It's funny to choose the best weapons and best skills to pass the game.
+ Mini Games. The mini gambling games make me feel like I am at Las Vegas.
缺点 Cons
- 操作手感。作为一个社保的操作游戏,手感确实稍微差了点。人物的移动略显僵硬,子弹的发射间隔也较为迟缓,场景的构造也经常会遭遇卡位,无形之中加大了游戏的难度。
- 怪物设计。怪物的设计比较单调普通,且重复率较高,感觉制作团队并没有花太多时间在这一方面。无论是外形还是攻击方式,都略微无聊了一点。
- 汉化。这里稍微吐槽一下下汉化,稍微机翻了一点,还有少字的情况。
- 结尾略敷衍。打通结局后的ending,完全没有一种ending的感觉,看完ending内心毫无波动,没有图片,没有特别的bgm,只有制作人名单。
- Control. The control design is a little uncomfortable. The movement is clumsy, the shooting speed is slow and sometimes I was stuck by the stuff in scene.
- Design of Monster. The monsters are ugly and repeated many times.
- Ending. The ending is coarse, only a list of the people in dev team with a simple bgm.
But overall, if you have a friend who can play with you or you like this art style, I really recommend this game. I also look forward to the more updates on the content of this game.