SkaStudios工作室大家可能不熟。但一说起Salt and Sanctuary(盐和避难所)大家可能都会意一笑。没错,今天要讲的TheDishwasher:VampireSmile(洗碗
SkaStudios工作室大家可能不熟。但一说起Salt and Sanctuary(盐和避难所)大家可能都会意一笑。没错,今天要讲的TheDishwasher:VampireSmile(洗碗工&吸血鬼的微笑)也是这家工作室的作品。甚至可以说就是此作奠定了skr的招牌之作SAS“盐魂”之名。当然,相较而言洗碗工对于ska其巅峰作SAS还是逊上一筹,但作为一款小品游戏还是很合格的。
节选:作曲 : Anna-Varney Cantodea 作词 : Anna-Varney Cantodea I promise, it will get you out of your misery 我承诺,将拯救你于痛苦的沼泽之地 I have been sleeping on the floors for days... 躺在冰凉的地板之上,任一天天过去 to keep myself from dreaming, 为逃避梦呓, a punishment for things delayed 也为惩罚自己的拖延 and maybe for disbelieving. 亦或怀疑 Don't scare away the old crows in the field, 别吓走田野里的老鸹 walking in lumber... through rows and rows of corn. 踏上碎木窸窣作响...穿过玉米成排成行 I am madly in love with a sad illusion, 我为爱疯狂,有的只是悲哀的幻象 don't you see... 你难道看不见?那就再看一遍 but, then again, aren't we all ? 疯了的人不仅是我,也还有你