创建于2021-05-24 21:56 作者:结弦1250 热度:884 参与评论:18
nsurgency:Sandstorm 是一款任务目标明确,融合团队配合、近距离作战的第一人称战术射击多人游戏。作为爆红的第一人称射击独立大作——《Insurgency》的续作,Sandstorm 经过了重新制作、改良和拓展,各方面的游戏性更为丰富。体验现代战争的紧张感,在战斗中磨炼技术,与团队一起赢取胜利。为打一场硬核风格的战斗做好准备:致命的子弹、轻型作战车辆、毁灭性的火炮、高动态范围音频,一一将恐惧感带入游戏中。
紧张的氛围将恐惧感融入现代战争中在位于中东地区的现代战场上,您必须一刻不停并小心翼翼地横跨饱受战火之灾的是非之地。死亡近在咫尺。您必须随时注意弹药量,留意周围环境,运筹帷幄,步步为营,才能取得胜利。Insurgency:改良与拓展《Insurgency》首次加入角色自定义,通过各种服饰、制服、配件、角色配音展现您的老手风范。配合团队的火力支援,驾驶装备机枪的车辆杀入敌阵,在快速的小规模对抗赛中狭路相逢。使用新武器新装备,瞒天过海,声东击西,出奇制胜。最真实的战争延续了《Insurgency》大型射击类游戏的优良风格,Sandstorm 基于虚幻 4 引擎制作,将尘土飞扬的近距离作战真实度提升到一个新的高度。以技巧获取优势,生存是重中之重。手中弹膛余温,心中风声鹤唳主要特点
BATTLETECH/MechWarrior 原创者 Jordan Weisman 和获奖的 Shadowrun Returns 系列的开发人员共同创作了下一代回合制 'Mech 战术战斗。
故事发生在 3025 年,银河系陷入了无休止的战争轮回,皇室贵族们使用大量名为 BattleMech 机械化战车进行作战。当您发现自己卷入一场残酷的星际内战时,指挥自己的雇佣兵 'Mech 和 MechWarrior,努力维持生存。升级您的星际作战基地,与封建领主协商雇佣兵合同,修复和维护老化的 BattleMech 队伍,执行毁灭性的战斗战术,在战场上击败敌人。
在回合制战斗中指挥一小队 ‘MECH以各种各样的组合部署 30 多个 BattleMech。利用地形、定位、武器选择和特殊能力智取和打败对手。管理雇佣兵公司招募、定制和发展独特的 MechWarrior。改进和定制运输机。作为一名雇佣兵,穿越广阔的太空,投靠各种皇室贵族和地方派系,接受任务和管理您的声誉。参加绝望的内战沉浸在一位被暴力废黜的统治者的故事中,发动残酷的战争,在杂牌雇佣兵公司的支持下帮她夺回王位。定制您的 'MECH用 MechLab 来维护和升级您的部队,用战场上从战败敌人那里夺来的装备替换毁坏的武器系统。玩家对战 (PVP) 多人游戏和小规模战斗模式为 ‘Mech 和 MechWarrior 定制长矛以与好友们正面交锋,在网络上与对手抗争,或进入单人小规模战斗模式,与人工智能 (AI) 对战,检验您的战略。
The world’s most irreverent co-op action adventure returns! In the next chapter of Magicka, players ascend from the ruins of Aldrheim to experience a Midgård almost wiped free of Wizards after the Wizard Wars, with the few that do remain having either gone mad or extremely hostile toward all others.
To rid the world of evil, again, up to four Wizards, and their guide Vlad, will traverse Midgård armed with the next iteration of the famous Magicka dynamic spellcasting system, as players reprise their roles as the most overpowered, unpredictably funny Wizards ever known to fantasy!Learn to Spell Again... Again!Ye olde hybrid elements Steam and Ice from Magicka 1 are back, joined by the brand new Poison! This means tons of new spells to cast at friends and foes - complete with larger explosions and greatly improved graphics!Learn to Spell AgainAs an all-powerful Wizard, you will have thousands of spells at your fingertips to experiment and defeat evil with, use them together with special Magicks to annihilate foes or give necessary aid to your companions.
Be the Wizard You Want to Be!With tons of robes, staffs, and weapons you can play as the robed Wizard of your choice to wreak havoc amongst hordes of fantasy creatures as you see fit. Magicka 2's dynamic spellcasting system can be used in many different ways, offering hours of experimentation for players to figure out which spells belong in their repertoire. Add both co-op and friendly fire on top of that and you have a recipe for hilarious disasters.Replay the Next Chapter with ArtifactsMagicka 2 offers players a story-driven campaign mode set in a lush fantasy world influenced heavily by Nordic folklore. New to the franchise are "Artifacts," which act as different switches and options for players to customize and change the gameplay experience, adding more replayability when utilized.
Colonize Mars and discover her secrets, with minimal casualties.Welcome Home! The time has come to stake your claim on the Red Planet and build the first functioning human colonies on Mars! All you need are supplies, oxygen, decades of training, experience with sandstorms, and a can-do attitude to discover the purpose of those weird black cubes that appeared out of nowhere. With a bit of sprucing up, this place is going to be awesome!
Surviving Mars is a sci-fi city builder all about colonizing Mars and surviving the process. Choose a space agency for resources and financial support before determining a location for your colony. Build domes and infrastructure, research new possibilities and utilize drones to unlock more elaborate ways to shape and expand your settlement. Cultivate your own food, mine minerals or just relax by the bar after a hard day’s work. Most important of all, though, is keeping your colonists alive. Not an easy task on a strange new planet.
There will be challenges to overcome. Execute your strategy and improve your colony’s chances of survival while unlocking the mysteries of this alien world. Are you ready? Mars is waiting for you.
Play an RPG with meaningful, world-altering choices, unique and memorable companions, and a new perspective on morality. Tyranny casts you as the arbiter of law in a world devastated by war and conquered by a despot. Will you work inside the system or try to dismantle it… and will it be for the glory of Kyros, for the good of the world, or for your own ambition?
From Obsidian Entertainment, the team behind Pillars of Eternity, Fallout: New Vegas, and South Park: The Stick of Truth, Tyranny is a classic-styled RPG with a new and original story, shaped and molded by your actions. The very layout of the world will be altered by your decisions as you choose sides, make allies and enemies, and fight for your own vision of law and order in an immersive and reactive story.
Main Features:Branching, unique stories in an original setting:In a realm where the tyrant has already won, the player must decide how to reshape the world. Strengthen the pillars of a new regime, or search for more power at the top of the new order!Choices matter – make world-altering decisions with far-reaching consequence:As a Fatebinder in the Overlord’s army you wield a vast amount of power in the occupied lands of the Tiers. Will you use that to inspire stability and loyalty, or will you try and offer a better way?Challenging, classic RPG combat:Tactical real-time-with-pause combat with new party-driven mechanics and modern presentationA rich original setting:Tyranny turns the archetypal RPG story on its head and allows players to explore a new take on good and evil. The player is not a random villager who rises to power, but an instrumental officer with considerable resources and authority. Use that power to enforce the new status quo, or try to make change from the inside!