From the darkness of the forest, bandits and looters will aim to destroy your way of life and demolish your livelihood. With the help of vagabonds and villagers, build a thriving town, raise an army and defend your home. Each night brings with it more enemies, so be sure to keep up.
from darkness(下文缩写为FD)是一款2D横轴滚屏游戏,玩法和kingdom类似,通过控制角色左右移动并在地上建造建筑,寻找并雇佣失散在远处的游民,建设并保卫村落。游戏画面为冷色调,并且场景昏暗气氛有些压抑,因此吸引到了笔者,再加上kingdom like的玩法,笔者毫不犹豫的买下了。可没成想,这游戏是继mutland之后又一款疑似使用商店免费资源或是开源代码的DEMO品质游戏。